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Collège Saint Marc was founded in 1928 by the De La Salle Brothers to be the second Lassalian school in Alexandria after Ecole Sainte Catherine. Collège Saint Marc was inaugurated on 6 October 1928, by King Fuad I. Built on an area of 35,726 m2, it was at the time of its inauguration the largest educational institution in the Middle East.
Collège Saint Marc is a private educational institution with French as its main teaching language. Students must be accepted beginning at KG1, and successful students remain in the school until they receive their high school diploma. The curriculum at Collège Saint Marc prepares the students for the Egyptian Baccalaureate examination.
They currently run more than 1,000 educational institutions in 82 countries, where about 1,000,000 students receive their education.
Nearly 100,000 educators and lay collaborators work alongside 6,000 Brothers in schools, colleges and other educational centers.
In Egypt there are 6 establishments, including two in Alexandria.
St. Mark's is part of the Lasallian network,
This College includes all the cycles from kindergarten to Egyptian baccalaureate with also a center for the mentally handicapped.
Next to the French language, first foreign language, is the English language as a second foreign language. Mathematics and science are taught in French in reference to official Egyptian curricula.
All our students are boys.
From kindergarten to Egyptian Baccalaureate, students spend 14 years in Saint-Marc.
- Mother's cycle: 2 years
- Small primary cycle: 3 years
- Large primary cycle: 3 years
- Preparatory cycle: 3 years
- Secondary cycle: 3 years
The school day starts at 7:55 am and ends at 2:45 pm It consists of 8 periods of 45 minutes each interspersed with two 20 minute recreations.
The College is also equipped with a school bus service (25 buses), thus facilitating the transportation of our students to their place of schooling.
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