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Last Update 2024-05-12

Al Awael Schools

26599 visitors number
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055 2265301 , 2265302 , 2265303 , 2265304 , 2265305


Zagazig - Abu Hammad Rd, EL ZAGAZIG، Ash Sharqia Governorate Show On Map

Al Awael Schools

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School number

055 2265301 , 2265302 , 2265303 , 2265304 , 2265305
Zagazig - Abu Hammad Rd, EL ZAGAZIG، Ash Sharqia Governorate Show On Map

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School fees
National kindergarten Kg-1
9900 EGP
National kindergarten Kg-2
9900 EGP
National Primary School 1st Grade
10120 EGP
National Primary School 2nd Grade
10120 EGP
National Primary School 3rd Grade
10120 EGP
National Primary School 4th Grade
10120 EGP
National Primary School 5th Grade
10120 EGP
National Primary School 6th Grade
10120 EGP
National Middle School 1st Grade
10450 EGP
National Middle School 2nd Grade
10450 EGP
National Middle School 3rd Grade
10450 EGP
National High School 1st Grade
10670 EGP
National High School 2nd Grade
10670 EGP
National High School 3rd Grade
10670 EGP

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about Al Awael Schools

The idea of ​​establishing the first schools came into being in 2005, with the aim of creating a new generation of our children and daughters with values, religion, lofty principles and good morals, in addition to the educational process that the school administration pays the greatest attention and care so that our students can get the highest grades to enable them to Join the top colleges and universities. Therefore, the owners of schools began to establish and from then on the owners of schools provided all the required capabilities after the work of all the feasibility studies required for this giant project, and to succeed this work accurately, both in the implementation of the establishment of the same project from buildings and educational means to the latest methods of education Modern education that ensures the progress and achievement of the process and education to the best and the selection of the best elements scientifically and educationally qualified to achieve the desired goals

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All Rights Reserved © EasySchools © 2019 The site reserves the right to own the information published which is not 100 % accurate, but are documented sources, whether from the school, teachers, parents or website Al Awael Schools Egypt is available on our website such as the location of Al Awael Schools Sharkia and Al Awael Schools EL Zagazig fees , The transfer procedures shown In our website, the phone number of Al Awael Schools and we do not have results for the semester

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