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Last Update 2023-07-09

Al Mansour Modern School

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(055) 3945540 , (011) 00677779 , (011) 44277779


Al-Mansour School ST. Menyat Al-Makram Faqus, Ash Sharqiyah, Egypt Show On Map

Al Mansour Modern School

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School number

(055) 3945540 , (011) 00677779 , (011) 44277779
Al-Mansour School ST. Menyat Al-Makram Faqus, Ash Sharqiyah, Egypt Show On Map

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School fees
National Primary School 1st Grade
14356 EGP
National kindergarten Kg-1
10300 EGP
National Primary School 2nd Grade
14356 EGP
National Primary School 3rd Grade
14356 EGP
National Primary School 4th Grade
14356 EGP
National Primary School 5th Grade
14356 EGP
National Primary School 6th Grade
14356 EGP
National kindergarten Kg-2
10300 EGP

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about Al Mansour Modern School

Al Mansour Modern School was established in 2013 and is equipped with the latest educational technology. The school includes a kindergarten and a basic education building.

- The school administration seeks to obtain a license for a special section of international education

 School buildings include:

1. The air-conditioned classrooms are equipped with a Smart Board

2- Three computer labs

3- Two science labs

4- Three rooms for art education

5- Two classrooms for musical education

6 - room for sports education

7. Private swimming pool Kindergartens and a private swimming pool are established

8. Modern libraries

9 - a chapel for students and a prayer for students

10 - Development and Training Section

* The school administration works to provide the best ways to develop the skills and abilities of the work team through holding training courses in the fields of teaching methods and human development and computer through specialists


The School Mission

Present a characteristic education that has high quality to bring up a religious generation honest to his country, has creative skills and thoughts through an education system. 


The School Vision

AL MANSOUR Modern School does its best to achieve the highest position to prepare a perfect generation scientifically. Have generous morals, imaginative, honest to his country. Has a good behavior, able to upgrade his country and safe it.


The School Values

Present a characteristic education that has high quality to bring up a religious generation honest to his country, has creative skills and thoughts through an education system.



Campus Facilities

The campus is located on 15,000 square meter of land Schools have been built with an Italian inspired architecture. Four buildings are clustered among trees and lush greenery, creating a pleasant and inviting learning environment. 


The physical facilities of the school consist of a main administration building, kindergarten building, Elementary School building, Middle School building, High School building and restaurant Mosque.




All 70 classrooms are air-conditioned, linked by a campus wide high-speed computer network with Internet access, and equipped with Epson overhead projectors and smart boards. 


The school has a computer and science lab as well as a library and an art also have an indoor and outdoor playing area.

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