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Book A Campus visit
Bloom Language School is a world-class educational institution that provides an outstanding teaching and learning environment, enabling the students to reach their full potential as individuals and learners
We offer our students a luxurious campus in a park-like setting filled with learning tools, Hi-tech equipments and sport facilities that will enable them to reach their full potential through joyful learning experience, practice different activities and enjoy a happy atmosphere.
The school is well-equipped according to the highest standards:
* Joyful KG playground
* Separate playground areas for different age groups
* Handball and volleyball courts
* Basketball and mini-basket ball courts
* Soccer pitches and other outdoor sports facilities
* Sports hall and GYM outfitted with different types of physical equipments
* Spacious, well-ventilated classrooms equipped with different resources and visual aids
* Multimedia center
* Music room, Art studio and playroom
* A comprehensive, well resourced library.
* Multi purpose science labs for chemistry, biology and physics
* Cafeteria, serving hot and cold light snacks besides a tuck-shop
* Computer lab with a network to be used in the classes and the library
* Internet access for students and teachers.
Education in Bloom Language School
Our educational system is specially designed to treat the weaknesses and limitations of our students. Extracurricular material is functionally introduced to the national syllabus to compensate its deficiency in certain educational aspects, taking into consideration the needs of our students and the constraints of the national curriculum. All the subject materials are equally important and effectively covered.
English Language
We mainly focus on developing the presentation skills of our students. We constantly work to improve their fluency without overlooking the accuracy of their work. This is why we teach an International syllabus that mainly focuses on this objective along with the A-Level syllabus that provides Extra work for the students
We encourage our students to engage in a variety of oral activities to develop an understanding of the language structure and enhance their ability to communicate effectively. They will listen and speak in discussions and presentations that expand their vocabularies, increase their background knowledge, and enhance both their reading and writing skills.
We encourage them to read and reread to build fluency, which provides the bridge between word recognition and comprehension. We believe that Fluent readers are able to make connections among the ideas in the text and between the text and their background knowledge, this is why we help our students to learn and apply the comprehension strategies of identifying main ideas, making and confirming predictions, and formulating questions about what they are learning across the curricula.
Our instructional focus always include an emphasis on written expression. Revising and editing for correct sentence formation, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
We teach our students how to plan, draft, revise, and edit narratives as well as persuasive and expository pieces with attention to composition and written expression. This helps students to become independent with sentence formation, usage, and mechanics and understand that the conventions of language help convey the message from the writer to the reader.
Mathematics & Mental Math
We introduced Mental Math to our curriculum in all the grades.
This approach serves to enhance the problem solving skills of our students and teach them mental strategies that they can use in their daily lives.
We teach our Students that there is always more than one way to solve a problem. They learn how to handle and process the data in their minds in an organized way and follow certain problem solving steps in order to reach the right solution, and so they do better when it comes to the national syllabus.
At the same time we are keen not to overload our students with extra work since the mathematics national syllabus has become more challenging, This why the Mental math sessions are held only once per week for each grade.
We believe that Experimentation is a vital factor towards acquiring the scientific process skills. Science is not a “keep by heart” material; rather it’s a set of hypothesis and theories that need to be proven right or wrong. We encourage our students to think outside the box and be critical towards everything they learn about science. We always encourage our students not to take the scientific facts as is, but to conduct their own researches and find the answers themselves, under our supervision; this is why all our science sessions are held in the laboratories that are well equipped and maintained and all the students have internet access.
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