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Misr Language School’s mission is based on high moral values and sound work ethics which are reflected on the personal, school and community levels. The Mission of the school is to: A-Give students a high standard college-preparatory education, and empower them with the ownership of knowledge and competitive skills. B-Develop skilled and committed teachers, and enhance the facilities and services of the school in order to provide students with a productive and encouraging learning environment. C-Instill in students a sense of civic duty, and to become as a school active members of the community and proactive contributers to society.
All Rights Reserved © EasySchools © 2019 The site reserves the right to own the information published which is not 100 % accurate, but are documented sources, whether from the school, teachers, parents or website Misr Language Schools ( MLS Schools) Egypt is available on our website such as the location of Misr Language Schools ( MLS Schools) Giza and Misr Language Schools ( MLS Schools) Haram fees , The transfer procedures shown In our website, the phone number of Misr Language Schools ( MLS Schools) and we do not have results for the semester
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