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Instilling religious and moral values that help in building the educational and community process. Creating a good work environment that is characterized by cooperation and love in the team spirit of the teacher and the learner. Development of all aspects of the student's personality (cognitive, emotional, mental, psychological), and the care of gifted and creative people and encourage them to innovate through activating active learning strategies. Preparing special programs for those who have difficulties in learning and taking into account individual differences among learners. Activate the role of the local community in enriching the educational process through community participation. Education should be in continuous interaction between teacher and learner using educational software. Developing the teacher's skills in the use of modern technological methods and the diversity of teaching methods through activating the training unit. To take care of the discovery and development of gifted talents through classroom and extracurricular activities. Involve parents in shaping school policies to deliver the best performance. Exchange visits and experiences with corresponding institutions. Developing the self-confidence of the learner through the activation of various activities and programs.
All Rights Reserved © EasySchools © 2019 The site reserves the right to own the information published which is not 100 % accurate, but are documented sources, whether from the school, teachers, parents or website Royal El Geel El Saaed school Egypt is available on our website such as the location of Royal El Geel El Saaed school The Red Sea and Royal El Geel El Saaed school Hurghada fees , The transfer procedures shown In our website, the phone number of Royal El Geel El Saaed school and we do not have results for the semester
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