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Trust school aspires to be outstanding educational organization by establishing reputation for excellence between schools which present teaching American program in Egypt.
Trust school aspires to be outstanding educational organization by establishing reputation for excellence between schools which present teaching American program in Egypt.
Trust school mission is to apply American International standards of best practices of the education process, empowering students with the Knowledge ,skills and attitudes needed to succeed as responsible life –long learners and that will enable them to explore hidden talents , and allow for individual differences and learning styles
They TIS school Believe that:
Trust American school is committed to provide high standard of education to students through the adoption of the main principles of teaching and learning as reflected in the American International Curriculum.
Their challenging curriculum is tailored to the individual needs, strengths and interests of each student.
Technology is a critical learning tool essential for future success in their global society.
Creating a work environment where teachers are motivated to teach with passion and make continuous improvement in the quality of their teaching, and providing administrators, students and staff with this safe environment where they are able to take pride and joy.
Teacher, staff, administration, parent, students and community member share the responsibilities for providing a learning supportive environment within the school.
Staff and students need to be motivated to achieve excellence.
Parent involvement is vital to the well –being of the students and the school. Our parents are true partners in education and, therefore, they are encouraged to come into the school to share their knowledge and expertise, with their students.
All Rights Reserved © EasySchools © 2019 The site reserves the right to own the information published which is not 100 % accurate, but are documented sources, whether from the school, teachers, parents or website Trust International Schools Egypt is available on our website such as the location of Trust International Schools Giza and Trust International Schools Haram fees , The transfer procedures shown In our website, the phone number of Trust International Schools and we do not have results for the semester
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