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Last Update 2024-07-07

Yusr Language School 10th Of Ramadan

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01028380944 , 0126994640 , 0122060603


On the tenth of Ramadan, mogawra 59 near the center Show On Map

Yusr Language School 10th Of Ramadan

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School number

01028380944 , 0126994640 , 0122060603
On the tenth of Ramadan, mogawra 59 near the center Show On Map

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School fees
National kindergarten Kg-1
11250 EGP
National kindergarten Kg-2
11250 EGP
National Primary School 1st Grade
12500 EGP
National Primary School 2nd Grade
12500 EGP
National Primary School 3rd Grade
12500 EGP
National Primary School 4th Grade
12500 EGP
National Primary School 5th Grade
12500 EGP
National Primary School 6th Grade
12500 EGP
National Middle School 1st Grade
12500 EGP
National Middle School 2nd Grade
12500 EGP
National Middle School 3rd Grade
12500 EGP

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about Yusr Language School 10th Of Ramadan

 Yusr Language School 10th Of Ramadan :

1. Continuous cooperation between faculty members

2. Provide modern technology for all learners

3. Follow-up and continuous evaluation of the results of learners' achievement

4. Modifying and refining student behavior by activating participation in activities

5. Effective support by the community and parents

6. The constructive activation of school leadership

7. Continuity in the professional development of the school staff

8. Pay attention to summer and non-summer activities

9. To inculcate the religious and moral values ​​of the students

10. Justice in the distribution of business

11. Provide excellent health care

12. Achieve total quality in school

13. Professional development for all employees

14. Preparing a distinguished student capable of reading, writing, creativity and thinking

15. Leading an effective educational school

16. Develop its role and improve its services and improve the performance of its cadres professionally and technically

17. Develop an effective partnership with the local community and its institutions to contribute to the overall development process

18. A future generation of knowledge, knowledge and resources in order to achieve excellence offers a variety of social activities for the student and is able to resist such phenomena as violence and escape

19. To instill in the student the importance of science and learning and what he will earn for his country and his country

20. Providing the right climate for creative and talented people

21. To strengthen the link between the institution and society

22. Activating active learning and linking it to the comprehensive evaluation

23. Sustainable professional development of teachers

24. The use of the school leadership method of dialogue and democracy with the staff of the school under the regulations and laws

25. Development by work

26. Provide human and material cadres

27. Develop the learner's ability in basic skills

28. Activating the role of social worker

29. Taking into account the late learners and those with special needs for integration with society

30. Child development Comprehensive comprehensive development to prepare for the next phase

31. Provide qualified trained teachers


A chain of advanced schools with an Islamic perspective and global education methodologies.


At Yusr International School, they are committed to delivering a comprehensive international education program that enables their students to be life-long learners through improving their knowledge, critical thinking, ethics and communication skills.

We have established a healthy school environment that fosters values and consolidates Islamic culture and principles. Hence we strive to inspire identity in their students whilst developing respect and global understanding.

Their  Target

Is to produce a generation of distinguished leaders and constructive members of society who help to create a caring and peaceful world. We embrace the fact that all students can learn in different ways; therefore, we can, Insha'Allah, provide our students with a variety of teaching and learning approaches that meet their individuals needs and allow them to excel academically. Since learning is a lifelong process that requires the involvement of all stakeholders, our students and their parents are partners in education.

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