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Last Update 2024-10-22

Shoueifat International School, 6th of October

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0100 6069001,0100 606 9002, 0100 606 9003 , 02 38553210 ,38553172 ,38553173 ,38553174


Dream Land, 6th Of October, Giza Show On Map

Shoueifat International School, 6th of October

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School number

0100 6069001,0100 606 9002, 0100 606 9003 , 02 38553210 ,38553172 ,38553173 ,38553174
Dream Land, 6th Of October, Giza Show On Map

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School fees
Igcse High School 1st Grade
101000 EGP
Igcse Middle School 1st Grade
98000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 1st Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse kindergarten Kg-1
53000 EGP
American diploma High School 1st Grade
101000 EGP
American diploma Middle School 1st Grade
98000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 1st Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma kindergarten Kg-1
53000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 2nd Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 3rd Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 4th Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 5th Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse Primary School 6th Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 2nd Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 3rd Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 4th Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 5th Grade
73000 EGP
American diploma Primary School 6th Grade
73000 EGP
Igcse kindergarten Kg-2
53000 EGP
American diploma kindergarten Kg-2
53000 EGP
Igcse Middle School 2nd Grade
98000 EGP
Igcse Middle School 3rd Grade
98000 EGP
American diploma Middle School 2nd Grade
98000 EGP
American diploma Middle School 3rd Grade
98000 EGP
Igcse High School 2nd Grade
101000 EGP
Igcse High School 3rd Grade
101000 EGP
American diploma High School 2nd Grade
101000 EGP
American diploma High School 3rd Grade
101000 EGP

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about Shoueifat International School, 6th of October

SABIS® is a global education network that has an active presence in 20 countries on five continents. Schools in the SABIS® Network educate over 70,000 students and implement a proven, proprietary system. SABIS® Network schools provide students with a top-quality education that prepares them to meet the challenges of a changing world.

SABIS® Network schools are distinguished by their implementation of the SABIS® Educational System™, a comprehensive system of education that offers a rigorous, internationally-oriented, college-preparatory curriculum emphasizing the core subjects of English, math, science, and world languages to students from 3 to 18+ years of age.

With its roots in the 19th century and a vision for the 21st, SABIS® is committed to providing a top-quality education for a changing world.


History & Achievements

ISC-City of 6 October was established in August 2003 as a Member of the SABIS® School Network. It is the second SABIS® School established in Egypt, and the first in the 'new town' of City of 6 October.

Our school is located in Dreamland, not far from the Pyramids of Giza, on an area of 60000 square meters. The campus is purpose-built to handle a maximum of 1600 students. We were the first International School in this desert development area and gave many parents the opportunity to send their children to a quality school. Families continue to move out of crowded areas of Cairo in search of fresher air and more green spaces, and there has been a corresponding growth in services available locally within the last few years, with shopping malls and recreational facilities making City of 6 October more self-sufficient now.


Our goal at ISC-City of 6 October is to ensure we function as a true family unit, with members interacting in a caring, respectful, sincere and purposeful manner, which includes students, teachers, leadership, parents, security, food service, groundkeepers maintenance, cleaners - the entire school community. Visitors to the school often comment how welcome they are made to feel on being greeted by students and staff throughout the campus. At ISC-City of 6 October, we strive to be sincere and show real concern for the well-being of all school community members. We are proud to maintain a culture of care at ISC-City of 6 October, creating a school environment where students feel comfortable, safe, and able to focus on learning.


Mission Statement

ISC-6 October will be recognized as a provider of top quality education to a highly diverse student body. ISC-6 October will strive to help all students achieve their full potential, prepare them for success in college, equip them with the ability and desire for lifelong learning, and strengthen their civic, ethical, and moral values. ISC-6 October will maintain high standards of efficiency and accountability throughout their operation.


The SABIS® Educational System™

The SABIS® Educational System™ is a comprehensive academic program that has been developed and refined over a century. With a balance of academics, self-development, and life preparation, the SABIS® Educational System prepares its students for success in college, fosters a lifelong interest in learning, and develops responsible world-class citizens. It blends quality education with traditional values of hard work and responsibility for self and others.


The SABIS® Educational System consists of a demanding, international curriculum that is updated regularly so that it remains relevant to the age, the international community, and the global environment.


Philosophy and Goals

SABIS® believes that a university education is academically accessible to nearly all students. SABIS® also believes that the success of an educational institution should be measured by the value it adds to each individual.


SABIS® Network schools aim to achieve the following academic goals:


To qualify every student for entrance into colleges/universities around the world

To provide a well-rounded education based on a mastery of English, Arabic, and mathematics

To enable students to benefit from a bilingual education system

To train students in logical reasoning and critical thinking

To prepare students to be able to sustain intellectual efforts for long periods

To generate excitement for lifelong learning

Non-academic goals in SABIS® Network schools seek to prepare graduates who:


Uphold high standards of ethical, moral, and civic conduct

Make informed decisions on social issues

Defend convictions and reverse negative peer pressure

Participate in extracurricular  activities, school management, and community work

Foster tolerance, cooperation, and teamwork

Understand the people of the world through an appreciation of differences as well as similarities

In an increasingly competitive world, a university education is an essential component contributing to future success. Practically all students educated in SABIS® Network schools go on to graduate from reputable universities, and a large percentage of them go on to pursue advanced university degrees.  As all SABIS® Network schools implement a non-selective admissions policy, SABIS® attributes its success, and that of its students, to the philosophy, goals, and high standards of efficiency and accountability that the SABIS® Educational System™ requires.


What makes this System Different?

SABIS® believes that an intelligent approach produces better results. Excellent results are achieved by:


Planning and preparing

Teaching methodically and comprehensively, using SABIS® teaching methods

Conducting frequent assessment

Engaging in continual and appropriate follow-up and support

Encouraging active student participation in the education process

Everything possible is done to ensure success. No one who studies in a school in the SABIS® Network is allowed to “fail in peace.”


Planning and Preparing

Thorough preparation precedes teaching. Each course is researched, structured, and described in terms of hundreds of clearly stated objectives called “points.”


A plan for each subject at each stage is prepared. Each plan is complete and includes all of the “points” to be taught and the skills to be developed. It is detailed with precise and measurable objectives. It is paced so that progress is charted against a time line. The plan for each stage dovetails with that of the following stage, ensuring that nothing essential to further learning is omitted, and thus enabling the transition from year to year to be smooth and successful.


Teaching Methods

Students in SABIS® Network schools benefit from a system that views a successful learning environment as one in which students can learn the most in the least amount of time. Time is seen as a limited resource and one that must be maximized. In delivering instruction to students at all grade levels from first grade through high school, teachers in SABIS® Network schools implement the SABIS Point System® of instruction. This proprietary method is based on the precise identification of measureable learning objectives, called “points,” for every lesson and actively engages students in a community of learners.


In the SABIS Point System®, teachers present one point at a time and then ask the class to demonstrate their understanding of the concept through the completion of a written exercise. Next, moving from teacher-led instruction, the class engages as a community of learners, checking each other’s work in small, manageable groups. One student in each group is selected to coordinate the group based on academic competence in the subject. This student oversees his/her own micro-community of learners, managing questions and offering further explanations (or looking to other group members to do so), when needed. 

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All Rights Reserved © EasySchools © 2019 The site reserves the right to own the information published which is not 100 % accurate, but are documented sources, whether from the school, teachers, parents or website Shoueifat International School, 6th of October Egypt is available on our website such as the location of Shoueifat International School, 6th of October Giza and Shoueifat International School, 6th of October october fees , The transfer procedures shown In our website, the phone number of Shoueifat International School, 6th of October and we do not have results for the semester

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